This Special Feature within our HSG Bullion “Collaborative System” allows Members to choose and decide who will benefit from their Loyalty Account, once they pass on.
The Inheritance Benefit is available to all HSG Bullion® Gold, Platinum and Partner Members only.
These Members are also required, to have completed the HSG Bullion®Mentor Program.
A Qualified Member may choose up to 7 beneficiaries.
The only requirement is the beneficiary must have an active HSG Bullion® Loyalty Account. This can be a Caretaker Account for someone under 18 years of age.
HSG Bullion, beneficiaries can be any combination of:
- HSG Bullion Approved Charitable or Not-For-Profit Organizations.
- HSG Bullion Members.
- Caretaker Accounts.
The Inheritance Benefit allows you the Member, to decide who benefits from your Loyalty Account.
Members can change a beneficiary up until the time, the Inheritance Benefit is enacted, once enacted no further changes can be made.
- From this time, HSG Bullion will manage these Loyalty Accounts and assign an Acting Mentor.
- HSG Bullion charges a 10% Management Fee.
- Annually, HSG Bullion will distribute accumulated Loyalty Points, equally between the beneficiaries that are registered within the deceased Members Loyalty Account, subject to our Terms and Conditions.
- It is essential that when a Member creates a Caretaker Account that they fill in the supplied contact form with all relevant information.
- This means HSG Bullion can upgrade this Caretaker Account, to official Member status once they reach 18 years of age.
- It is advisable that a Member specifies in their will, that their legal representative contacts HSG Bullion detailing a request to enact their Inheritance Benefit at the appropriate time. We also recommend that a document containing a current list of beneficiaries is also included within the will. If HSG Bullion has been advised by a legal party of suspected fraudulent or manipulative means to influence the beneficiary process, we will not tolerate this, and all Loyalty Points will be redirected to, The HSG Bullion® Charity Support Account until this issue is resolved to our satisfaction. As documented in our Terms and Conditions.
- If no beneficiary is specified, then The HSG Bullion® Charity Support Account will be the default beneficiary of this Loyalty Account. This also applies for Caretaker Accounts where insufficient details have been supplied.
The Inheritance Benefit is truly One of the most important and compassionate features of our Collaborative System.
Clearly establishing that HSG Bullion® is People Oriented and totally committed to helping Charitable and Not-For-Profit Organizations, families, friends, and others to succeed and prosper.
HSG Bullion® Memorial for Members who have passed on:
In recognition of a Member who has passed, HSG Bullion will replace their nickname with their actual name along with an honoré badge or icon to indicate whether they were a Silver or Gold Partner, or a Silver, Gold, or Platinum Member.
A Member that has passed away can no longer be a Mentor.
From now on their Mentor status changes to Honoré Mentor.
HSG Bullion will now assign a Member as an Acting Mentor.
The Acting Mentor can be:
- A Member that the deceased Member has nominated to fill this role.
This Member is required to have completed the HSG Bullion Mentor Program and cannot be a Caretaker Account. - If no nomination is made, HSG Bullion will assign a Silver or Gold Partner to fill this role.
- If this deceased Member was an HSG Bullion® Partner, the role of Acting Mentor cannot be fulfilled by an existing Partner. This means it is very important for our Partners to nominate a carefully chosen Qualified Member to fill this role, this Member will also fill the role of Partner, Silver Partner or Gold Partner, depending on the status of the deceased Partner.
- If no nomination is made HSG Bullion will assign a Qualified Member as Acting Mentor.
The role of an Acting Mentor would involve the following:
- To be available as a point of contact, for any Members that were Mentored by the now deceased Member.
- To assist, help and educate all Caretaker Members in this account, when they become eligible for full Membership.
- In addition to the above, if an Acting Mentor was also filling the role of Partner, there would be the additional responsibility of Partner Voting.
In recognition of the Partner or Member that fills this important role of Acting Mentor, there will be financial benefit.
Loyalty Points shared as part of the Inheritance Benefit, will be distributed in the following way:
- An account management fee of 10% is deducted by HSG Bullion.
- A 10% share is transferred into the Loyalty Account of, HSG Bullion® Charity Support.
- A 10% share is transferred into the Loyalty Account of the Acting Mentor.
The 70% balance would then be shared equally between up to 7 beneficiaries, meaning that if a beneficiary is also the Acting Mentor, they would receive their 10% share plus a share when the remaining 70% balance is divided equally.
We invite you to join us in this unique opportunity
Honor, Success and Growth
Thank you
HSG Bullion® Team